- He reeked of alcohol. 他身上有酒的臭味。
- He reeked of alcohol [garlic]. 他身上有酒[大蒜]的臭味。
- He reeks of alcohol. 他满身酒臭味。
- COP:It's very dark, you should turn your headlights on.What's that smell?You really reek of alcohol. 已经很晚了,你应该开前头灯的,咦?你闻起来有酒精味唷!
- His breath reeked of alcohol. 他口中带有浓烈的酒臭气。
- Their actions reek of corruption. 他们的举动显然有贪污之嫌。
- The room reeked of cheap perfume. 房间里弥漫著劣质香水的呛鼻气味。
- He reeked of garlic. 他有大蒜的臭味。
- He walked in reeking powerfully of alcohol. 他带着一身浓烈的酒气走了进来。
- Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco? 你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?
- He declaimed against the evils of alcohol. 他慷慨陈辞,猛烈抨击酗酒的罪恶。
- It was stiflingly hot inside the bus, which reeked of petrol. 公共汽车里面闷热得很,充满汽油味。
- He's had a drop too much of alcohol to drink. 他多喝了一杯酒, 醉了。
- Such an extract in a solution of alcohol. 酒精提取物酒精溶液中的提取物
- He drank a massive amount of alcohol. 他喝了大量的烈酒。
- Hsin-mei returned from dinner reeking of alcohol and asked Hung-chien, "Did you ever go to Oxford or Cambridge when you were in England? 辛楣吃晚饭回来,酒气醺醺,问鸿渐道:“你在英国,到过牛津剑桥没有?
- Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌所含酒精的百分比很高。
- The conference room reeked of tobacco smoke. 会议室里弥漫着烟草的臭味。
- Her denials reeked of hypocrisy. 她那样否认显然很虚伪。
- Not only because of her ancient mobile phone which she's too ashamed to show in public, but during Parent-Teacher day at school, only her uncle showed up, reeking of alcohol. 为了逗女儿开心,京渡拿出静静储起的一堆钱币,但贤秀不屑一顾,转头去看姑姐南洙(裴斗娜饰)参加的全国射箭比赛。