- Obviously,he was shocked but soon recovered his composure . 显然,他很震惊,但很快又恢复了镇静。
- He recovered his composure . 他恢复了平静。
- He recovered his composure. 他恢复了平静。
- As luck would have it, he recovered his lost watch. 幸运得很,他找回了他丢失的表。
- As luck would have it,he recovered his lost watch. 幸运得很,他找回了他丢失的表。
- He recovered his football from the neighbours'lawn. 他从邻居的草坪上捡回了足球。
- P He recovered his peace of mind. 他恢复了平静的心情。
- After a year he recovered his sight. 过了一年,他的视力恢复了。
- He also recovered his composure at long last, eating seasoned seafoods and octopus in a restaurant by the sea in Mokpo even on the 12th of April. 他也恢复了镇定终于,吃丰富的海产品和八达通的一家餐馆的海上木浦即使在4月12日。
- Green had some uncertain moments away to Kazakhstan but, in hostile surroundings, recovered his composure and saw out the game unbeaten. 他在对哈萨克斯坦的比赛中有些失误,但在充满敌意的客场他及时调整最后也没丢球。
- He recovered his composure 他恢复了平静。
- When he recovered his consciousness he found someone pouring brandy down his neck. 他恢复知觉时,发现有人往他脖子上淋白兰地。
- Wu Surf-fu was takers off his guard for a moment, but quickly recovered his composure, so that his question sounded off-handed enough not to rouse the other's suspicions. 吴荪甫虽然吃惊,却也能够赶快自持,所以这句问话的后半段便依然是缓和到不惹人注意。
- Wu Sun-fu stared at Tu Wei-yueh for a while, then slowly recovered his composure and sat down again. "The interfering bitch!" he muttered to himself through clenched teeth. "She's making more trouble than all the women put together! 吴荪甫尖利地看着屠维岳好半晌,渐渐脸色平了,仍旧坐了下去,咬着牙齿,自言自语地说:“混账东西! 比闹事的女工还可恶!
- He recovered soon under his wife's tender loving care. 在妻子体贴入微的关怀下,他很快就痊愈了。
- The skater quickly recovered his balance. 那个滑冰的人很快恢复了平衡。
- He recovered himself after a slip on the ice. 在冰上滑了一下后他马上又站稳了
- But after quickly recovering his composure, the Colorado-based businessman agreed to speak with to SOS spokesman Jay McKenna in the hotel foyer. 但是稍后吉列很快冷静下来,这位科罗拉多州生意人同意与香克利协会的代表人麦肯纳在酒店大厅会谈。
- Throughout the crisis he retained his composure. 危机期间, 他始终保持镇定。
- Eun ) Yes. He can keep his composure. 恩惠:是的。他现在冷静下来了。