- He really plays dirty. 他手法卑鄙。
- He really play dirty. 他手法卑鄙。
- He really went to town on preparing the meal. 为准备这顿饭他确实花了不少劲。
- All his support melt away when he really needed it. 在他真正需要支持时,却得不到一丝半点。
- "Why should Andrei leave Chelsea? Is he really playing so very badly," Rebrov told the daily Sport-Express. “为什么安德烈要离开切尔西?他真的踢得那么差么?”
- He really fell for the new girl in school. 他深深地被学校新来的女生吸引住了。
- He's a good lecturer as he really knows his stuff. 他是位好讲师,因为他确实精通业务。
- He really cuts a dash in his smart new uniform. 他穿著漂亮的新制服真是神气十足。
- He really thinks the world of you. 他真的很看重你。
- He really gets under my skin sometimes. 有时他真惹得我恼火。
- George loves Italian food and he really laid into the pizzas. 乔治爱吃意大利食品,他真的大吃起这些馅饼来。
- He plays dirty pool. 他手法卑鄙。
- He really cut loose and told me what he thought of me. 他单刀直入说出对我的看法。
- He means business: he really will shoot us if we try to escape. 他不是说著玩的; 我们要是逃,他真会开枪。
- Nixon won the election by playing dirty tricks. 尼克森以不当手法赢得选举。
- You piss me off when you play dirty tricks. 你耍坏把戏时,真让我讨厌。
- What he did really played on my heart strings. 他做的一切真的让我很感动。
- He flatters you to your face while playing dirty tricks behind your back. 他当着面恭维你,背地里净使坏。
- He's too ready to pronounce on matters of which he really knows very little. 他太喜欢对自己实际上几乎一无所知的问题发表意见。
- He really cleaned up at the football pools today. 他在今天的足球赌注中发了大财。