- He pilots his airplane. 他驾驶他的飞机。
- He pilots his airplane . 他驾驶他的飞机。
- The aviator pilots his airplane. 驾驶员驾驶着他的飞机。
- He pilots his car. 他驾驶他的汽车。
- He lost his airplane ticket and needs to buy a new one. 他弄丢了飞机票,需要再买一张。
- He piloted us through the large factory. 他领我们参观了这个大工厂。
- He pilots helicopters very well. 他驾驶直升机的技术很娴熟。
- The flier has flown many miles in his airplane. 那位飞行员已经驾著他的飞机飞了很多哩了。
- He pilot a ship through the Panama Canal. 他引导一艘船通过巴拿马运河。
- He piloted the old lady to her seat. 他引导这位老妇人入席。
- When they see a plane they think it is a strange bird or even a god.One day a pilot throws a glass bottle out of his airplane and the thing is found by the Bushmen. 卡拉哈里是个看上去像沙漠却又不是沙漠的地方,在那里,每年有9个月的时间是干旱无雨的,许多动物都因为无法适应这里的环境而纷纷离开。
- Mr. Bellanca said his airplane could make the flight. 贝兰卡表示他建造的飞机能够使林德伯格完成此次飞行,
- He piloted the old lady through the crowd to her seat. 他领着这位老人穿过人群走到她的座位上。
- Under normal circumstances, he would have piloted his freighter into the bay. 在正常情况下,他会指挥货轮驶入海湾。
- Over his lifetime, Mr.Shilling has accumulated more than 30,000 hours of flight time, and still actively pilots his own aerobatic sport plane. 在他的一生当中,希林先生飞行了30,000多个小时,他还是一个活跃的特技飞行员。
- off-screen he piloted his own plane. 银幕外,他驾驶自己的飞机。
- He piloted the car adroitly through the traffic. 他熟练地驾车穿过来往的车辆。
- He piloted this ship through the Canal. 他引导这艘船通过巴拿马运河。
- Although Fett still piloted his antiquated Slave I, he updated his arsenal with the ultrasleek Slave II. 因为沙雷克的毒素,波巴几乎失去意识而重度昏迷。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。