- He originated a new instrument. 他发明了一种新仪器。
- He originated a new printing process . 他创造了一种新印刷术。
- He originated a new printing process. 他创造了一种新印刷术。
- He contributed to the design of a new instrument. 图书馆的设计很精巧。
- He is credited with originating a new printing process. 他被认为拥有一种新型印刷方法的发明权。
- Click Add to associate a new instrument with the MIDI device. 单击“增加”按钮以把一个新的乐器与 MIDI 设备建立连接。
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
- They originated a new way of processing and inputting Chinese data into computers. 他们首创一种新的汉字输入法。
- He is squaring away to write a new chapter. 他正准备动手写新的一章。
- He bought a new cassette recorder. 他买了一台新的盒式录音机。
- Electronic commerce is a new and certainly trendy name, but the practice it refers to originated a half century ago in the Berlin airlift (Seideman, 1996). 电子商务是一个新名词,当然同时也是一个流行词,但是它所指代的行为早在半个世纪以前柏林机场就发源了。
- He mentioned in passing that he had a new car. 他顺便提到他有一辆新汽车。
- MicroSoar: A New Instrument for Measuring Microscale Turbulence from Rapidly Moving Submerged Platforms. 快速移动水下平台上微尺度湍流观测的新仪器。
- He was too poor to buy a new coat. 他穷得无法买新衣。
- Objective To explore a new instrument, a new liquid and a new method for lacrimal passage obstruction. 目的探索治疗泪道阻塞的新器具、新药液、新方法。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- A new instrument for measuring the total precipitable water in the atmosphere is introduced. 介绍一种测量大气水汽总量的新方法和仪器。
- He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
- To introduce a new instrument for checking up the eye s suppression scotomata in the clinic of ophthalmology. 本文介绍了应用于眼科临床的双眼视野抑制暗点检测仪。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。