- He moved about a lot. 他到过好多地方。
- I was born in Fort Worth but we moved about a lot. 我出生在沃思堡,但我们不断在各地迁移。
- She moved about a lot. 她到过许多地方。
- He moved about restlessly, lighting a cigarette. 她焦躁不安地在椅子上挪动着。
- He moved about restlessly lighting a cigarette. 他点燃了一支烟,焦躁不安地走来走去。
- We talked about a lot of things. 我们谈了许多事情。
- He is getting much better now and can get up and move about a bit. 他病好多了,现在能下地了。
- The tiff was about a lot more than $25m. 矛盾并不仅仅在于那2500万美元。
- A housewife has to worry about a lot of housework. 身为家庭主妇,每天都要为一些家事操神。
- Kidneys were in his mind as he moved about the kitchen softly, righting her breakfast things on the humpy tray. 当他脚步轻盈地在厨房里转悠,把她早餐用的食品摆在盘底儿隆起来的托盘上时,脑子里想的就是腰子的事。
- Calocedrus rushed to the area after Mr.Liu's home, Mr.Lin see things through, he moved about. 赶到翠柏小区刘先生家中后,林先生明白了事情经过,让他感动不已。
- He could have straightened me out about a lot of things. 他会帮我解决许多问题。
- Being in a fraternity is about a lot more than just stepping. 加入兄弟会比你一个人一步步走要好的多的多。
- He moved a resolution in the meeting. 他在会议上提出了一个决议。
- Before liberation his family was moved about a good deal. 解放前他的家老是搬来搬去。
- He got a lot of dope from the secretary. 他从秘书那里获得许多内部消息。
- He moved aside for her with a polite bow. 他礼貌地鞠躬,退避一旁让她过去。
- If you don't stir yourself and move about a little,you will be ill. 你要是不活动,不走动一下,将会生病的。
- He moved to Leeds and set up as a printer. 他搬到利兹干起了印刷业。
- With a sudden output of effort he moved the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。