- He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well. 他低能得无以复加,然而却是出于好心。
- He has a big mouth,but he means well. 他说话冒失,但心意是好的。
- It is obvious that he means well. 很显然,他的用意是好的。
- I don't doubt that he means well. 我相信他出自善意。
- We all know that he means well by you. 我们都知道他对你是一番好意。
- He has a big mouth, but he means well. 他说话冒失, 但出于善意。
- His intentions are good. or He means well. 他的动机是好的。
- He makes a lot of mistakes in his work, but he means well. 他虽然在工作中出了许多差错,但本意是好的。
- He makes a lot of mistakes in his work,but he means well. 他虽然在工作中出了许多差错,但本意是好的。
- He's hopelessly inefficient,but I suppose he means well. 他低能得无以复加,然而却是出于好心。
- He' s hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well. 他低能得无以复加; 然而却是出於好心.
- You shouldn't resent his criticism. He meant well. 他的批评是为你好,你可别恼恨他。
- Oh,he means well,but he's not my sort. Oil and water don't mix,no good trying. 哦,他的用意是好的,可是我跟他合不来。水火不相容,别白费力气。
- His words might not sound pleasant to the ear, but he meant well. 他的话儿也许不中听, 可他是出于好意
- He meant well, though he said it in an inappropriate way. 他本意是好的,只是说话方式不好。
- He meant well, and it was not his fault if he was not quite a gentleman. 他并没有什么恶意,有些事虽说不十分得体,责任也不在他。
- He means well,I have no doubt; but he never in his life served me a worse turn than he prevented me from hitting that man. 他是一片好心,我不怀疑;但他这辈子坑我最狠的是不让我揍那小子。
- He means well, I have no doubt; but he never in his life served me a worse turn than he prevented me from hitting that man. 他是一片好心,我不怀疑;但他这辈子坑我最狠的是不让我揍那小子。
- I can't even guess at what he means. 他什么意思我连猜也猜不出。
- He means well. 他出于好意。