- He made this final judgement. 他下过了最后结论。
- He made this broadcast on June18. 他这次广播是在6月18日作的。
- He made this broadcast on June 18. 他这次广播是在6月18日作的。
- He made this mistake by accident. 他犯这个错误纯属偶然。
- I cannot conceive how he made this mistake. 我无法想像他怎么会犯这种错误。
- I really don't understand why he made this severity mistake. 我真不明白他怎么会犯如此严重的错误。
- Edison did not stop trying; and after a lot of trouble he made this first lamp. 爱迪生没有停止试验,克服了许多困难之后,终于制成了第一只灯泡。
- The spectators will clap if he makes this birdie putt. 如果他能击球入洞,观众会鼓掌致意的。
- George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence. 乔治发表这篇独立宣言时,站在岩石之巅,轮廓清晰。
- What is Socrates speaking of when he makes this remark? 当苏格拉底这样说时,他指的是什麽?
- His heart thumped as he made this audacious declaration, that he almost choked in uttering it. 他鼓起勇气说这句话的时候,心砰砰乱跳,喉咙口象有什么东西哽住了。
- If you want to repair such an item, your skill must be at least as high as the crafter's skill when he made this item. 如果你修理这样的物品,你得技能等级必须有用不低于制作者的技能等级。
- Last Sunday in Ulm, sport, justice and fair-play were upheld in a rare and beautiful act, making this final a memorable one for gymnasts and fans alike. 在上周日的乌尔姆,体育、公正、公平竞赛以一种特殊而美好的方式得到了伸张,同时对于广大运动员和健美操爱好者来说,这次决赛也成为了一次非常难忘的回忆。
- He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture. 他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具。
- As he made this dreary soliloquy, he had cantered out of Rotten Row into the park. 他一边这么闷闷不乐地自言自语,一边离开了罗登道,来到公园里。
- He made this offer to her in his room, which he had locked after tricking her into the meeting. 原来,他施用诡计把冬妮娅骗到自己房里相见,随后便把门锁上,向她提出了这个要求。
- He made a resolution never to repeat the act. 他决心不再采取那种行动。
- If a stereo binocular microscope has been used, a final assessment using a 10x loupe is performed before the final judgement is made on the clarity of the stone. 如果使用了双目立体显微镜,在对钻石净度的最终判定之前会用10倍寸镜/放大镜做一个最后的评估。
- Unfortunately he made this irrelevant in Turn 2 on the 18th lap after spinning and getting beached.End of story. 不幸的是,他在第18圈的2号弯道出现侧滑停在了赛道上,他故事就此结束。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。