- He lugged the subject into his speech. 他把那话题牵强地扯进演讲中。
- He lugged the subject in. 他硬把那话题扯进去 [提出来讲] 。
- He lugged the joke into his speech. 他把这个笑话硬扯进他的讲话里。
- I treated the subject in brief outline. 我简单地概述了那个问题。
- He enveloped the subject in mystery. 他使这一问题变得神秘莫测。
- The coverage of the subject in his botany text is inadequate. 他的植物学教科书中对那题目的叙述不充分。
- He enveloped the subject in mystery . 他使这一问题变得神秘莫测。
- A senator dragged the subject in as a filibuster. 一个参议员硬把这个题目拉扯进来,作为一种阻碍议事的手法。
- He handled the subject in a masterly way. 他巧妙地论述了这个问题。
- The subject in the photo is distorted. 照片里的景物变形了。
- He lugged a heavy handcart along. 他使劲拉走那笨重的手推车。
- His argument is beside the subject in hand. 他的议论离开了讨论的问题。
- She lugged the suitcase out into the hallway. 她吃力地将提箱拖进门厅。
- His book presents the subject in a small compass. 他的书在小的范围中论述这题目。
- For three years he lugged the final version around Britain, then the world, looking for someone to make it under licence. 三年中,他一边把成品推向英国及世界市场,一边申请产品许可。
- This thesis will discuss the subject in detail. 重点介绍英语词汇方面应当注意的一些问题。
- Did they consider the subject in the abstract? 他们抽象地考虑那个问题了吗?
- We've consulted a number of books about the subject in the library. 我们在图书馆查阅了很多有关这个题目的书籍。
- The verb must agree with the subject in person and number. 动词在人称和数上必须和主语相一致。
- He lugged a story into our conversation. 他无端把一件事扯进我们谈话中。