- While crossing the street, he looked right and left. 过马路时,他左右看了看。
- He looked right and left before crossing the street. 他在穿过马路之前,左顾右盼。
- He looked right and left. 他向左右看了看。
- Look right and left before you cross a street. 过马路之前要向各个方面看看。
- Look right and left before you cross the street. 过马路前要左右看看。
- He looks right and left. 他左右张望。
- Eg: Look right and left before you cross the street. 过马路之前,要先向左右看一下。
- he looked right and left; also figuratively; the party has moved right. 他向左右看了看;也有比喻性的用法;这个党派已经右了。
- Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look right and left. 可知,过马路前应停下来,向左右两边看看方可通过。
- he looked right and left; also figuratively; the party has moved right 他向左右看了看;也有比喻性的用法;这个党派已经右了
- he looked right and left; also figuratively; the political party has moved left. 他往左右看了看;也有比喻性的用法;这个政党已经左了。
- He looked to the right and to the left, uncertain whither to fly. 他向左右两边张望,拿不准该往哪边逃。
- Never take a green light at face value. Always look right and left before proceeding. 别把绿灯当真,开之前总是看看左右。
- Look both ways (ie to right and left) before crossing the road. 过马路前先要向两边看一看。
- And then he looked right through meAs if I wasn't there. 他只是不停地唱,唱得清晰而激昂。
- I don't know why he looked right through me. 我不知道他为什么故作没有看见我。
- He laid to right and left with a club. 他用木棒左右猛打。
- We're losing money right and left. 我们处处都赔钱。
- He damned his men right and left. 他胡乱地咒骂部属。
- He elbowed right and left in the crowd. 他在人群中左冲右撞。