- He looked about with great interest. 他怀着很大的兴趣环顾四周。
- He looked about( him) but saw on one. 他四下环顾,但什么人也没看到。
- He looked about as if in search of something. 他四周察看,仿佛在寻找什么。
- He looked about the room with boyish ease. 他以孩子般自在的神态打量房间。
- He looked about him appraisingly. 他以品评的目光环视四周。
- He looked about( him) with great interest. 他怀着很大的兴趣环顾四周。
- He look about the room with boyish ease. 他以孩子般自在的神态打量房间。
- Then he looked about upon a dingy, moth-eaten hotel lobby. 这时他朝这个阴暗、破烂的旅馆门厅四周看了看。
- He looked about but could not see any magic cloth at all. 他四处寻找,根本没有看见有什么魔布。
- He looked about him wonderingly, but half indifferently. 他惊讶地向周围打量,但是有一半儿不大在意了。
- He looked about him for deliverance; but there was no deliverance in this street for him. 他环顾四周,寻求得到解救,但是在这一条街上,他是根本得不到解救的。
- He looked about him sharply, his gaze resting briefly on Lucy, David, the window, the door, and the fire. 他机警地四处张望,目光迅速掠过露西、大卫、门窗和炉火。
- He looked about for her everywhere, feeling deeply frustrated at her disappearance. 他到处找她,对她的失踪感到十分惘然。
- He looked about him absent-mindedly, and screwed up his eyes, as though in glaring sunshine. 他心不在焉地环顾四方,好像耀眼的阳光把他照射得蹙起了额角。
- He looked about him and found he was on a wide common, dotted with patches of gorse and bramble as far as he could see. 他举目四顾,只见自己是在一片宽阔的公地上,一眼望去,地上星星点点缀满了金雀花和黑麦子。
- He looks about fifty. In reality,he's only thirty-five years of age. 他看起来大约有五十岁,实际上他只有35岁。
- He looked about him absently.Thousands of eyes were gazing at him from all sides, waiting for his words. 他心不在焉地环顾四周,数千双眼睛从四面八方望着他,期待他讲话。
- He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. 他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
- For some time he looked about for a subject, and at last decided on the second century of the Roman Empire. 他花了一些时间寻找题目,最终选定了罗马帝国的第二世纪。这个时期很少为人所知。
- He looks a suspicious character. 他像个可疑的人。