- He lives across the way. 他住在马路的对面。
- He lives across the street [next door to us]. 他家就在马路那边[在我们家隔壁]。
- He lives just across the street. 他就住在街对面。
- He lives across the street. 他住在街对面。
- He lives just across the way. 他就住在对过。
- He lives across the road. 他住在马路对面。
- Yes I know the donut man who lives across the lane. 是的,我知道那个在小胡同的交叉口烤面包圈的人。
- We engaged a guide to show us the way across the mountians. 我们雇了个向导带领我们翻山越岭。
- There is a bus stop across the way. 街对面有一个公共汽车站。
- Tom goes with the girl who lives across the street. 汤姆与对街的姑娘结伴上街。
- Over to that office across the way. 去对面办公室看看。
- The wind drove all the way across the room. 风呼啸着穿过房间。
- Two girls raggedy as rats live across the street. 两个像老鼠一样邋遢的女孩住在街对面。
- Yes I know the pizza man who lives across the lane. 是的,我知道那个在小胡同的交叉口做比萨饼的人。
- Or across the Channel, all the way to Dover. 或者飞越英吉利海峡,直奔多佛。
- I never heard the beat! Jack swam all the way across the Mississippi. Did you ever hear the beat of it? 杰克一直游过了密西西比河,我从没听说过有比他游得更好的。你听到过吗?
- He lives in a house among the trees. 他住在一栋树木环绕的房子里。
- He lives in the Borough of Brooklyn. 他住在布鲁克林区。
- He stared at the house across the way, the small shabby house. 他隔着马路注视对面那栋房子,那栋破败而又矮小的房子。
- Do you know the donut man who lives across the lane? 你知道那个在小胡同的交叉口烤面包圈的人吗?