- He lived to be [to the age of]80. 他一直活到了80岁。
- He lived to be ninety. 他活到九十岁。
- He lived to be [to the age of] 80. 他一直活到了80岁。
- He lived to see his grandchildren. 他活到在有生之年看到孙儿辈。
- Xiao Zhen did grow up to win a very high post in the imperial government, and he lived to be more than ninety years old. 萧振长大后果然在朝廷身居高职,活到了九十多岁。
- He fought cancer and lived to be eighty. 他与癌症搏斗,并活到了八十岁。
- He lived to see his grandson married. 他活到看到自己的孙子结婚。
- He lived to the ripe old age of 91. 他活到了91岁的高龄。
- He lived to see his inventions come to success. 他活着看见他的发明成功了。
- He lived to see the liberation of his hometown. 他活到了看见家乡的解放。
- He lived to see his grandson married . 他活到看到自己的孙子结婚。
- It is said that she lived to be over 100. 据说她活了100多岁。
- Irving Berlin lived to be 101 years old. 欧文?伯林活了101岁,
- To return to the old man,he lived to see his great grandchildren. 回头再说那位老人,他活着见到他的曾孙们。
- My grandmother lived to be ninety-one. 我的祖母活到了九十一岁。
- My grandmother lived to be eighty-five. 我的祖母活到了85岁。
- He lived to be 8 0 . 他一直活到了80岁。
- Wang did not die then. He lived to be 97 years old. His children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great- grandchildren all lived together with him in one big, happy family. 王没有死,还活到了97岁。他和他的儿子、孙子、曾孙、玄孙在一个大家庭里过着幸福的生活。
- It was quote, ‘the hardest decision of my life’, unquote, and one that he lived to regret. 那是,原话起,“我一生最难作出的决定”,原话止,而且是他终生悔恨的决定。
- Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. 人生是一连串教训,经历了才会理解。