- He lightly touched my forehead. 他轻轻地摸了我的前额。
- She lightly touched my forehead. 她轻轻地摸了摸我的前额。
- Miss Sullivan touched my forehead and spelled @t-h-i-n-k@. 苏利文小姐碰了碰我的额头,拼写了“思考”这个词。
- Miss Sullivan touched my forehead and spelled "t-h-i-n-k". 苏利文小姐碰了碰我的额头,拼写了“思考”这个词。
- She lightly touched my clit a few times, and I guess I finally got worked up.I started to rub her beautiful ass when she presented them to me. 我一边看着她对我同事挑逗,一边更仔细的打量她。
- She lightly touched his forehead. 她轻轻地摸了摸他的前额。
- 223. Miss Sullivan touched my forehead and spelled "t-h-i-n-k". 苏利文小姐碰了碰我的额头,拼写了“思考”这个词。
- He lightly tapped three times on my door, our secret signal. 他轻轻地叩打我家房门三下,这是我们定的暗号!
- He touched my shoulder to get my attention. 他碰了一下我的肩膀以引起我的注意。
- You were expressly told not to touch my papers. 已经明确地告诉过你不要动我的文件。
- He lightly dropped the ball over the net. 他轻轻一吊,球过网了。
- When I go to the temple to pray, he lightly holds my hand and kneels with me. 同我去庙里求签,轻轻捉住我的手一同跪下。
- What he said really touched my heart. 他的话确实触动了我的心弦。
- "Does it say plumber anywhere on my forehead?" he asked. “难道我脑门上写着水管工几个字吗?”他问。
- I told you not to touch my things! 我告诉过你,别动我的东西!
- When with my sleeves Im lightly touching yours. 那时在我的袖子上,而我正轻轻触碰你的。
- He lightly twists open bottles of soda that I can't open. 轻轻拧开我拧不开的汽水瓶。
- The spider web brushed my forehead. 蜘蛛网轻拂我的前额。
- My forehead, ears and neck were in agony. 我的前额,耳朵和脖子十分疼痛。
- He leaned down, and pressed his lips very lightly to my forehead for the briefest instant. 他倾身,用最快的速度,在我额前印了一吻。