- He leaned his rifle against the wall. 他把他的步枪斜靠在墙上。
- He leaned his back against the wall. 他把背靠在墙上。
- He leaned against the wall. 他背靠着墻。
- He leant aslant against the wall. 他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。
- He felt mortally wounded and had to lean against the wall. 他觉得自己受了致命伤,只好倚靠在墙上。
- He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air. 他倚着汽车大口大口地呼吸冷空气。
- He leaned against the tree quietly to conserve strength. 他静静地靠在树上以节省体力。
- He leans against the jamb, arms crossed. Malfoy靠在了门侧的墙上,抱着臂。
- A shovel was leaning against the wall. 一把铁铲靠墙放着。
- Corbett leaned against the wall and promptly vomited. 科比特倚在墙边, 马上呕吐了起来。
- he leaned against the wall for support; they forded the stream supporting their packs over their heads. 没有妻子的支持,我不会有今天的成就。
- The ladder was leaning against the wall. 梯子靠在墙上。
- He stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak. 他靠墙站着,说不出话来。
- Proper standing posture, no slouching and do lean against the wall. 端正站姿;不要无精打采或者靠在墙上.
- He leant against the post and it broke. 他往杆子上一倚; 杆子就断了.
- Kincaid sat at a small, plain table. Bloggs leaned against the wall. 金凯德在一张小而简陋的桌旁坐下,布洛格斯倚在墙上。
- Then he stood leaning against the wall,unable to speak. 然后他依着墙壁站着, 说不出话来。
- He leaned on the wall, a pipe in mouth. 他倚靠在墙上,嘴里叼着一支雪茄。
- He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps. 他倚着栏杆,急促地喘气。
- Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak. 然后他依着墙壁站着, 说不出话来。