- He leaned against the tree quietly to conserve strength. 他静静地靠在树上以节省体力。
- He leaned against the tree. 他倚在那棵树上。
- He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air. 他倚着汽车大口大口地呼吸冷空气。
- He leans against the jamb, arms crossed. Malfoy靠在了门侧的墙上,抱着臂。
- He leant against the post and it broke. 他往杆子上一倚; 杆子就断了.
- Leaning against the tree trunk, he gazed at the greenery stretching before him. 他痴痴地靠着树干,望着眼前的一片新绿出神。
- He leant against the railing, his breath coming in short gasps. 他倚着栏杆,急促地喘气。
- He leaned his rifle against the wall. 他把他的步枪斜靠在墙上。
- He leaned elegantly against the door. 他温文儒雅地靠在门上。
- He leaned his back against the wall. 他把背靠在墙上。
- Then, as he leaned against the line and slapped his left hand hard and fast against his thigh he saw the line slanting slowly upward. 跟着,他俯身朝着钓索,把左手啪地紧按在大腿上,看见倾斜的钓索在慢慢地向上升起。
- He leaned against the paling. 他靠着围栏。
- He leaned against the wall. 他背靠着墻。
- Can you help me to get this load of sand up against the tree? 你能帮我把这堆沙推到那棵树旁边吗?
- He set a ladder against the tree. 他把梯子靠在树上。
- When she caught sight of him leaning against the tree and gazing at her she reddened and, abandoning the combat with Brother Simple, turned to run at him with her sword. 哪知澄观正出指向她胁下点来,这一指故意点得甚慢,她原可避开,但一分心要去杀人,胁下立时中指,一声嘤咛,摔倒在地。
- He leant aslant against the wall. 他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。
- I lean against the railing, staring at the firefly. 我凭依栏杆,细看那萤火虫。
- The statue stands out against the trees. 这座雕像衬着树丛,轮廓特别鲜明。
- A shotgun leans against the table. 桌子跟前靠着一支猎枪。