- He laughed incredulously. 他满腹狐疑地大笑起来。
- He laughed to cover (ie hide) his nervousness. 他哈哈大笑以遮掩紧张的心情。
- He laughed nervously and asked me what I meant. 他紧张地一笑,问我是什么意思。
- He laughed to cover his annoyance. 他藉大笑来掩护他的烦恼。
- His wife scuffed him when he laughed. 在他大笑时,他的妻子用脚尖踢了他一下。
- I told him I was worried but he laughed scornfully. 我告诉他我很担忧,可他却轻蔑地一笑。
- He laughed, holding out his cup for more tea. 他大笑,伸出杯子要给他再倒点茶。
- He laughed a little short ugly laugh. 他发出了一声短促的苦笑。
- When he was told that he had won the first prize, he laughed from ear to ear. 当他被告知自己得了一等奖时,他咧开嘴笑了。
- He laughed off an embarrassing situation. 他以笑来解除这种尴尬的处境。
- He laughed his delight at the victory. 他的笑声表达了他胜利的喜悦
- She told a tale,whereupon he laughed heartily. 她讲了个故事,他就开心地笑了。
- She told a tale, whereupon he laughed heartily. 她讲了个故事,他就开心地笑了。
- He laughed,holding out his cup for more tea. 他大笑,伸出杯子要给他再倒点茶。
- His eyes never left Kendal's face,but he laughed. 他的眼睛一直没有离开肯德尔的脸,但他笑了起来。
- When he laughed at her ,she fired up at once . 当他嘲笑她时,她立即发火了。
- When he laughed,it was the laugh of a schoolboy. 当他笑起来,那确是小学生的笑。
- He laughed coarsely at her embarrassment. 他粗鲁无礼地嘲笑她的尴尬。
- He laughed to cover(= hide)his nervousness. 他哈哈大笑以掩饰他紧张的心情。
- Bobby barked along with him as he laughed. 他一笑,bobby也跟着叫。