- He knowhow to show himself. 他知道如何秀出(展现)自己。
- He knowhow to show himself. He painted all his fingernails with bright colours! 他知道如何秀出(展现)自己。在他所有的指甲上涂上鲜?的色彩!
- He was anxious to show himself patriot. 他急于表明自己是个爱国者。
- After the play they called for the author to show himself. 演完戏之后,他们要求作者出来和大家见面。
- You give me a supplication to show himself. 恳求您给我一次展示自己的机会。
- And to this day the bat is ashamed to show himself in the daytime. 一直到今天,蝙蝠都羞于在白天出现。
- He is wanted by the police,so he is afraid to show himself in his home town. 警察要抓他,因此他害怕在家乡露面。
- This was the first occasion for Diego to show himself to the world. 这是他首次向世界崭露头角。
- A boy he likes keeping quiet, he is timid and never dare to show himself off let along take part in some competitions. 一个男孩他喜欢沉默,他是胆怯的,从来不敢展示自己,更别说参加比赛了。
- He was ashamed to show his face before us. 他不好意思在我们面前露面。
- So Elijah went to show himself to Ahab. Now the famine was severe in Samaria. 以利亚就去、要使亚哈得见他。那时撒玛利亚有大饥荒。
- He's going there tomorrow to show his paces. 他明天要去那里显显身手。
- I don't knowhow to stay cool in hot summer. 这种布料即使在酷热的天气还是保持凉爽。
- I don't even knowhow to deal with it. 我甚至不知道该怎么处理。
- He wrote in that style just to show off. 这种文体写文章,完全是为了卖弄文采。
- He showed himself worthy of our trust. 他没有辜负我们的信赖。
- He is always ready to show his paces. 他总想显露自己的本领。
- He cut capers to show how happy he was. 他乐得欢跳雀跃。
- He showed himself briefly at the party. 他在聚会上匆匆露了一面。
- He likes to show off his masculine physique. 他喜欢炫耀他的阳刚之气。