- He is liable to be reached by flattery. 他容易被谄媚奉承所打动。
- He is subject to fits of laughter. 他经常哈哈大笑。
- He is liable to catch cold in winter. 冬天他爱感冒。
- He is liable to shout when angry. 他生气时就会大声叫喊。
- He is liable to flare up at trivial things. 他爱为小事发作。
- Man is liable to forget how small and often how futile he is. 人类往往忘记自己是多么渺小,而且常常是多么无用的。
- He is liable to abrupt swings in mood,eg from happiness to despair. 他情绪极不稳定(如由高兴突然变为绝望)。
- He is liable to abrupt swings in mood,eg.from happiness to despair. 他情绪极不稳定(如由高兴突然变为绝望).
- He is liable for the fault of his son. 他应该为他儿子的过失负责。
- He is liable to abrupt swings in mood, eg from happiness to despair. 他情绪极不稳定(如由高兴突然变为绝望).
- He is never out of temper, not even in trouble. 他从来不发脾气,即使遇到烦恼也不发火。
- Anything less than a playoff finish and he is liable to throw a tantrum to force a deal. 特别是在今年季后赛结束,他要球队寻求交易未果之后。
- He is gloomy of disposition and sullen of temper all day. 他整日里抑郁寡欢。
- He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason. 他的情绪容易突变,且会无缘无故地愠怒和哭泣。
- Here one is liable to "fines" unless he is very careful, they warn, because of all those "don'ts and mustn'ts". 说这里有不少"清规戒律",一不留神就会被"罚"。
- He is liable to abrupt mood swings/swings of mood(= for example from being very happy to being very sad). 他情绪易于波动。
- He is not the man who is liable. 他不是那种可能伤害自己的人。
- He is in a fit of anger and will be himself in a moment. 他正在气头上, 过一会儿就好了。
- Jack loves jigsaw puzzles. He is trying to fit two pieces together. 杰克喜欢拼图案游戏,他正想把两个小拼图拼在一起。
- He is find by the judge to is liable for the accident. 法官判处他对事故承担法律责任。