- He is highly estimated among his colleagues. 同事们对他的评价很高。
- His stock is high,ie He is well thought of. 他的声望很高。
- He is high on his job as a cook. 他爱好他的厨师工作。
- His stock is high, ie He is well thought of. 他的声望很高.
- Though unprepossessingto look at he is highly intelligent. 他虽然相貌平平,但却很有才气。
- The Lord is great in Zion; he is high over all the nations. 耶和华在锡安为大。他超乎万民之上。
- He is highly respected by everyone for his integrity. 他因清廉而深受大家的尊敬。
- He is highly estimated among his fellows. 同事们对他的评价很高。
- He is highly strung for the game. 他对比赛非常紧张。
- He is highly esteemed in business circles. 他在商界极受人尊重。
- He is a person of high principles,who can look anyone straight in the eye. 他是个有高度道德原则的人,无论对谁都可以问心无愧。
- He is highly nervous and volatile in temperament. 他生性神经过敏,喜怒无常。
- The LORD is great in Zion; and he is high above all the people. 耶和华在锡安为大。他超乎万民之上。
- He is highly strung and, therefore, subjected to heart attack. 他十分容易激动,因为易发心脏病。
- He is highly skeptical of confessions obtained under torture. 他非常怀疑在严刑拷打下得到的招供。
- He is covetous of her high salary. 他垂涎她的高薪。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。
- He is a high official in the government. 他是政府的高级官员。
- He is highly strung and,therefore,subjected to heart attack. 他十分容易激动,因为易发心脏病。