- He is at home with this subject. 他熟悉这一学科。
- He is seldom at home during the day. 他白天很少在家。
- But at home, he is a harsh parent. 但是在家里,他是个严厉的家长。
- He is entertaining no thoughts of stepping down. 他现时没有下台的想法。
- Can you make sure that he is at home? 你确定他在家吗?
- He is quite at home in modern history. 他精通近代史。
- I doubt whether [if] he is at home. 我看他不一定在家。
- She frets away all the time when he isn't at home. 他不在家时她总在烦恼中过日子。
- There is no doubt that he is not at home now. 毫无疑问他现在不在家。
- He is always at home on Sunday morning. 星期天早上他总在家。
- He is not always at home on Sundays. 他星期天不一定在家。
- He is quite at home in the English language. 他精通英文。
- He is usually at home in the evenings. 他晚上通常都在家。
- He keeps his hat on even if he is at home. 他即使在家也是一直戴着帽子。
- He is better known abroad than at home. 他在国外的名气比国内大。
- He is quite at home with the Japanese language. 他对日语很熟悉。
- Supposing he is not at home, what then? 假如他不在家,那怎么办?
- I really was at home last night, he is my witness. 我昨天晚上真的在家,他可以作证人。
- The prisoner allege that he is at home on the night of the crime. 囚犯辩称案发当晚他在家中。
- Tom once lived by a lake,and he is at home in the water. 汤姆过去在湖边住过,因此他水性很好。