- He is at home with this subject. 他熟悉这一学科。
- Can you make sure that he is at home? 你确定他在家吗?
- I doubt whether [if] he is at home. 我看他不一定在家。
- He keeps his hat on even if he is at home. 他即使在家也是一直戴着帽子。
- The prisoner allege that he is at home on the night of the crime. 囚犯辩称案发当晚他在家中。
- Tom once lived by a lake,and he is at home in the water. 汤姆过去在湖边住过,因此他水性很好。
- Tom once lived by a lake, and he is at home in the water. 汤姆过去在湖边住过,因此他水性很好。
- I don't know whether he is at home or at the office. 我不知道他是在家还是在办公室。
- When Tom is at home on the weekends, he is at loose ends. 当汤姆在家的时候总是无所事事。
- Everyone is at scold today_________LinTao. He is ill in bed at home. (林涛没上学)除了李涛之外,大家都上学了。林涛在家卧床生病。
- He is seldom at home during the day. 他白天很少在家。
- My father is not home. He is a printer. He works nights. "Who is at home? Carr asked.My mother, I think. “我父亲不在家。他是个印刷工,上夜班。”“那么谁在家?”卡尔问道。“我想,我母亲大概在吧。”
- For the husband who snores all night, because he is at home asleep with me and not with someone else. 庆幸有个整夜打呼的丈夫,因为他是家中与我同枕共眠,而不是与其他的人。
- He is at an absorbing thriller and can't be disturbed. 他正在阅读一部引人入胜的惊险小说,什么也惊动不了他。
- Don't expect much of him; he is at best a student. 不要对他期望过高; 他只不过是个学生。
- Don't scold him too much; he is at best a child. 不要太责骂他; 他只不过是个孩子。
- One should never be arrogant even when he is at his best. 一个人在最得意时也不应傲慢。
- My father is not home. He is a printer. He works nights. "Who is at home? carr.asked.My mother, I think. “我父亲不在家。他是个印刷工,上夜班。”“那么谁在家?”卡尔问道。“我想,我母亲大概在吧。”
- But at home, he is a harsh parent. 但是在家里,他是个严厉的家长。
- He is at last the proud possessor of a driving licence. 他终于获得了驾驶执照,这使他颇为得意。