- He is accustom to get up at six. 他习惯于6点起床。
- He is accustomed to the ever-changing life. 他习惯了不断变化的生活。
- He is accustomed to get up at six . 他习惯于6点起床。
- He is accustomed to that kind of thing . 他习惯于这种事了。
- He is accustomed to hearing noise, because he lives right in the center of the city. 他住在市中心,所以已经习惯于噪音了。
- He is not used to hard work, and his hands blister easily. 他不习惯作粗重的工作,而且他的手易起水泡。
- He is accustom to loneliness. he used to loneliness. 孤独和寂寞,成了她的命运。
- He likes the stocks and he is accustomed to trading in and out of its shares. 他喜欢股票, 习惯于买进卖出它的股份。
- He is growing accustomed to the formation. 他慢慢融入队伍中去了。
- He is too slightly built for hard work. 他身材过于瘦小,干不了重活。
- This is a different type of business from what he is accustomed to,and it may take him a few months to get his hand in. 这是他不熟悉的生意,可能要花上几个月的时间才能使他上手。
- He is hard working and able,but no genius. 他勤奋、 能干, 但决非天才。
- He is clever as well as hard working. 他不仅努力工作而且聪明。
- He is full of enthusiasm and always does hard work on his own initiative. 他对工作满怀热忱,总是主动做难的。
- He is compact, not leggy, obviously built for hard work and endurance. 他的身材紧凑,腿不是很长,其结构明确显示出能完成艰苦的工作,且耐力持久。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- He is willing to share in the work. 他愿意分担这工作。
- He is intelligent enough to make any dream a reality but he needs to understand hard work is part of it. 他有足够的智力把任何梦想变为现实,。
- He is systematic in his approach to work. 他工作起来井井有条。
- He is a hard working student, sometimes a workaholic. 叶是一个非常刻苦的孩子,有时候甚至有点工作狂。