- He invented the ball pen. 他发明了圆珠笔。
- Lasz1o Biro invented the ball - point pen. 拉斯洛·拜罗发明了圆珠笔。
- After he invented the new drilling machine, honors were thrust upon him. 他发明了新的钻机之后,许多荣耀都加在他的身上了。
- Electricity was not discovered by Edison, but he invented the electric light. 电不是爱迪生发现的,但他发明了电灯。
- After he invented the new drilling machine, honours were thrust upon him. 他发明了新的钻机之后,许多荣耀都加在他的身上了。
- However, we do know that in 1092 AD he invented the first real clock. 然而,我们却知道他在公元1092年发明了第一个真正的时钟。
- Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen. 拉斯洛·拜罗发明了圆珠笔。
- He invented the term homeostasis for the tendency of the organism to maintain constancy of the internal environment. 他创造了“内环境稳定”一词来说明机体有保持内环境稳定的倾向。
- When your dual sim card used for a long time, please use the ball pen to touch the 12 small metal dots in order to make them connect better. 双卡使用较久时;用圆珠笔笔头部分对准双卡晶片上的12个小突点转一转;增加其突点高度;让卡片与双卡接触更好.
- He invented the ultramicroscope in 1903, and two types of membrane filters in 1918 and 1922. 他于1903年发明了超显微镜,1918和1922年又分别发明了两种滤膜。
- He lay back and hit the ball for four. 他向后弯身击中球,得了4分。
- In 1775 he invented the electrophorus, a device used to generate static electricity. 1775年发明了用来产生静电的仪器。
- He swiped at the ball and missed it. 他向球猛击,但未打中。
- He fumbled the ball and then dropped it. 他笨手笨脚的漏接了球。
- He kicked the ball to the stand. 他把球踢到看台上了。
- There is only one ball pen in the pencil box. 这铅笔盒里只有一支圆珠笔。
- He snatched at the ball but did not catch it. 他想抓那个球但没抓住。
- Who invented the ball-point pen? 谁发明了圆珠笔?
- The ball pen is made in Taiwan. 这圆珠笔是台湾产的。
- It is not known whether he invented the process on his own or if he was aware of the developments that Orient. 人们尚不清楚是他自己独立发明了这一工艺,还是他了解到了有关这一工艺在东方世界的发展情况。