- He hated being flattered. 他讨厌别人奉承他。
- He hated being stuck in the sour job but couldn't find another. 他讨厌老是做这份枯燥乏味的工作,可是找不到别的差事。
- He hated being subservient to this dean. 处于比院长低一截的地位,实在让他厌恶。
- He hated being transplanted from his home in the country to the noise and bustle of life in the city. 他很不喜欢从乡间的居所迁居到了喧闹的城市里。
- He hated being diddled and swore to have his pound of flesh. 他不愿受骗,所以决定一定要把债逼回来。
- He hated being stuck in the sour job but could not find another. 他讨厌老是做这份枯燥乏味的工作,可是找不到别的差事。
- She hated being flattered. 她讨厌别人奉承。
- He hates being boxed up in his home all day. 他讨厌整天关在家里。
- I know he hates being interrupted . 我知道他不愿意别人打扰他。
- I know he hates being interrupted. 我知道他不愿意别人打扰他。
- He hates being treated with disdain. 他恨遭人白眼。
- He hated to be flattered. 他讨厌别人对他阿谀奉承。
- He hates being sticked in the sour job but can not find another. 他讨厌老是做这份枯燥乏味的工作,可是又找不到别的差事。
- Do not try to impress the new boss ,he hates being sucked up to . 休要去新上司面前显弄,他不吃马屁。
- Don't try to impress the new boss, he hates being sucked up to. 休要去新上司面前显弄,他不吃马屁。
- Do not try to impress the new boss , he hates being sucked up to . 休要去新上司面前显弄,他不吃马屁。
- He hated to tuck his tail and back down now. 他讨厌此时夹着尾巴退回来。
- He does not like being flattered. 他不喜欢别人奉承他。
- He hated being called Fred , especially in print , but then the sportswriters were all office boys anyways , Behn used to say . 他讨厌他们叫他佛雷德,尤其是在报纸上,不过反正那些写体育报道的都是些坐办公室的人,本恩过去常这么说。
- It would have cost Brown less to have forgotten the debt than to try to trace the couple through a detective agency, but he hated being diddled and swore to have his pound of flesh. 通过侦探介绍所去追查那对夫妇以索回债务,花费之多倒不如忘掉那笔债。但是布朗痛恨受人骗,发誓要追回他们的欠债。