- He has a barber to cut his hair. 他有一名(自己聘的)理发师。
- He is no idiot; he has cut his eyeteeth. 他才不傻呢,他已经学乖了。
- He had Robby the barber cut his hair short. 它让理发师罗比把它的毛剪短了。
- He has cut his leg, and it is bleeding. 他把腿割破了,腿在流血。
- He is no idiot;he has cut his eyeteeth. 他才不傻呢,他已经学乖了。
- He was very brown and cheerful and he had not cut his hair in three months. 他浑身深褐,兴高采烈,看来有三个月没理发了。
- He had cut his arm on the window trying to get in. 他在试着进来的时候,胳膊在窗户上割伤了。
- In order to free himself of secular worries he has been thinking of cutting his hair and become a monk. 他一直想剪发出家,以了却尘世的烦恼。
- Didn't you notice? He has dyed his hair. 你没注意? 他染头发了。
- He have his hair cut last sunday. 他上星期天理发了。
- He has streaks of gray in his hair. 他的头发中夹着一些白发。
- He has cut himself loose from his family . 他已离家自立谋生。
- He had his hair cut in the afternoon. 他下午剪的头发。
- His hair grows longer. Soon he has a thick covering of fat and fur. 它身上的毛也长得更长了,很快全身就包满一层厚厚的脂肪和毛。
- He had cut corners in building his house, and it didn't stand up well. 他盖房子时偷工减料,因此房子盖得并不牢固。
- He is lazy. His hair is black and curly. He has freckles. 他很懒。他有一头乌黑的卷发,脸上有雀斑。
- He showed me the pictures he had cut out of the magazine. 他把他从那本杂志上剪下的图片给我看。
- He has cut all the divarications on the trunk. 他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。
- Every winter he has a problem with dandruff in his hair. 每年冬天头皮屑都困扰着他。
- He has cut quite a few statues . 他雕了不少雕像。