- Without saying a word he had turned tail. 他一句话也没说就跑了。
- The street into which he had turned ran downhill. 他拐进去的那条街往下坡走。
- He said he had turned off the lights already. 他说他已经把灯关掉了。
- Suddenly he had turned the corner by the stone shelter. 突然,他拐到石头后面一块隐蔽的地方。
- Nobody thought that he had turned out a great inventor. 没人想到他会变成一位伟大的发明家。
- And he had turned the Prime Minister's teacup into a gerbil. 接着他把首相的茶杯变成了一只沙鼠。
- He has turned into a staunch fighter. 他已成为一个坚强的战士。
- He has turned a set of chair legs. 他已经车出了一副椅子腿。
- He has turned from the Labour Party. 他已脱离了工党。
- My heart! He has turned me sick in a moment. 我的心哪!他一下子就把我搞得六神无主了。
- Once more he visited Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. 耶稣又到了加利利的迦拿,就是祂从前变水为酒的地方;
- He has turned into a staunch fighter . 他已成为一个坚强的战士。
- He had been seriously ill,but has turned the corner now. 他曾经是病得很重的,但现在度过了危险关头。
- He had been seriously ill, but has turned the corner now. 他曾经是病得很重的,现在他可渡过了危险关头。
- He has turned down an invitation to visit that country. 邀请他访问那个国家,他没有同意。
- He has turned into a cold man although a thoughtful one. 他已变成一个冷酷的人,虽然是体贴的。
- He has been seriously ill, but has turned the corner now. 他曾经是病得很重的,现在他可度过了危险关头。
- He has turned his computer into an electronic playground. 他已把他的电脑变成了电子游乐场。
- He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。
- The accused man said he had been framed. 被告说他受人陷害了。