- He get his coat wet. 他把外套弄湿了。
- He get his coat wet 他把外套弄湿了。
- How could he get his heavy box up all those stairs? 这么重的箱子他是怎么抬上楼的?
- Allen went in the house and got his coat. 艾伦进入屋内拿他的大衣。
- Whence does he get his strength? 他的力量从何而来?
- He got his comeuppance when the bully thrashed him. 他被混混修理是罪有应得。
- If Henry cannot get his own way, he gets very angry. 假如亨利不能随心所欲,他会很生气。
- Then he got out a letter from a bunch in his coat pocket. 然后他从外套口袋掏出一札信,从中抽出一封来。
- Where does he get his daily bread from? 他从哪儿获取每日的粮食?
- He got too close to the wet paint and got his sleeve smeared. 他离得太近,袖子上蹭到了油漆。
- First he gets everything ready, and then puts on his coat. 首先他把一切准备就绪,然后穿上外衣。
- He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock-market. 他在证券市场胡乱买卖而大吃苦头。
- He got his spunk up and told the truth. 他鼓起勇气,说出了真相。
- How does he get his fat ass down that chimney every year? 他如何每年都霸占着那个高位?
- He got his position by truckling to his boss. 他讨好老板而得到了那个位子。
- He got his ideas across to us at the length. 他终于把他的想法向我们说清楚了。
- He gets his dander up on hearing the news. 听到这个消息他发怒了。
- He got his back up when I said he was wrong. 在我说他错了的时候,他生气了。
- He got his crucial lead from an unnamed source. 他获得了重要线索,具体来源不明。
- He threw off his coat and sat down. 他急忙脱去衣服,坐了下来。