- She gave me a nudge in the ribs. 她以肘轻触我肋部一下。
- He gave me a taste of his acid wit. 他让我尝到了他敏锐尖刻之机智的滋味。
- He gave me a second shot of penicillin. 他又给我打了一针青霉素。
- He gave me a nudge. 他用胳膊肘捅了我一下。
- He gave me a bottle of orange soda. 他递给我一瓶桔子汽水。
- He gave me a pamphlet for my call numbers. 他给了我一个小册子记录电话号码。
- He gave me a butt on the stomach. 他在我腹部撞了一下。
- He gave me a duplicate key of his house. 他给了我另配了一套他房子的钥匙。
- He gave me a necklace as a token of his affection.. 他给了我一根项链作为爱情的象征。
- He gave me a playful slap on the hand. 他闹着玩地打了一下我的手。
- He give me a box in which to keep the toy. 他给了我一个装着玩具的盒子。
- He gave me a reasonable explanation. 他对我作了合理的解释。
- He gave me a jab with his finger. 他用手指戳我。
- He gave me a lift to the station. 他让我搭便车去车站。
- He gave me a boost over the fence. 他抬我一把助我翻越篱笆。
- He gave me a bunch of mellow grapes. 他给了我一串甘美的葡萄。
- He gave me a cheery wink as I passed by. 我走过的时候他亲切地朝我眨眨眼睛。
- He gave me a necklace as an anniversary gift. 他给我一条项链作为周年纪念礼物。
- He gave me a bum steer on the last exam that I failed. 上次考试他给我指点错了,所以我没及格。
- He gave me a fright by bursting into a sudden laughter. 他突然大笑起来,吓了我一跳。