- He forbade us to leave. 他不许我们离开。
- The teacher forbade us to leave our seats. 老师不准我们离开座位。
- He forbade us the use of the room. 他不许我们使用这个房间。
- He directed us to leave the burning building. 他指示我们撤离燃烧着的大楼。
- Mrs. Green forbade us to smoke in her house. 格林夫人不许我们在她家抽烟。
- The heavy rain forbade us to go out. 大雨妨碍我们外出。
- He ordered us to leave the room. 他命令我们离开房间。
- They telegraphed us to leave immediately. 他们拍电报叫我们立即离开。
- The robber forced us to leave our house. 强盗强迫我们离开屋子。
- Force of circumstance compelled us to leave. 形势所迫,我们不得不走。
- The teacher allowed us to leave school early. 老师允许我们早点离校。
- The governments of some countries forbid us to proselyte. 有些国家的政府禁止我们传教。
- Nobody is vested in the power to force us to leave. 没人有权利强迫我们离开。
- Now it's time for us to leave the museum. 我们现在该离开博物馆了。
- They are forbidden us to park the car here. 他们不准我们在这里停放汽车。
- It was good for us to leave the house and get out. 我们能离开房子出去是好的。
- The storm forbids us to proceed. 暴风雨阻止我们前进。
- Will you permit us to leave now? 你允许我们现在离开吗?
- The guard forbade us to look out of the window when the train was moving. 火车开动时,乘警禁止我们把头伸到窗外。
- I inferred from his words that he wanted us to leave. 从他的话当中我们推断出他是想让我们离开。