- He feeds on hope. 他因抱有希望而坚强起来。
- He fed on the great ideas of her mentor. 他以他导师的伟大思想为支撑。
- The public feeds on these periodicals. 公众由于有这些期刊可以阅读而得到满足。
- He is out of employment and feeds on a friend. 他失业了,靠朋友生活。
- The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps. 燃气轮机以它所抽入的燃料为能源。
- He feeds on her insecurity. 他依靠她的风险为生。
- He feeds on vegetable diet. 他食素。
- He feeds off the work and reputation of others. 他靠别人的成果和名誉而出名。
- He feeds me up with his chatter. 他喋喋不休,使我厌烦极了。
- The singer feeds on admiration from the public. 那歌唱家由于受公众的崇拜而感到满足。
- He fed his anger with thoughts of revenge. 复仇的意念煽起他的怒火。
- The cows were feeding on hay in the barn. 母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。
- He fed the storage tank with gasoline. 他往储油罐里加满汽油。
- The eye feeds on beautiful objects. 美景悦目。
- Dragon flight is limited in time; moreover, you have to feed him, or he feeds upon you! 龙的飞行是有时间上的限制的,另外你必须喂养它们,否则它们会把你作为食物!
- An animal that feeds on others of its own kind. 同类残食动物以食同类其它动物的肉为生的动物
- They digs in moist soil and feeds on plant roots. 它们在潮湿的泥土中钻洞,吃植物的根部。
- On his tour in Europe, he fed fat on wonders. 他在欧洲观光旅游时饱览了奇观异景。
- The scheme feeds on its own success. 越实施越成功的方案;
- There is a Bob Marley museum on Hope Road in Kingston, Jamaica, where he once lived. 现在在牙买加首都金斯顿鲍勃曾经居住过的地方,希望路56号,是鲍勃玛利的博物馆。