- He expressed voluble protests. 他表示了振振有词的抗议。
- 1. He expressed voluble protests. 他表示了振振有词的抗议。
- He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters. 他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。
- He expressed regret over the death of your father. 他对你父亲的逝世表示哀悼。
- He expressed his thoughts in clear and fitting language. 他用明白恰当的语言来表达他的思想。
- He express the hope that we will keep in touch with his firm. 他表示希望我们与他的公司保持联系。
- We finally forgave him when he expressed his repentance with tears. 当他流着泪表达他的悔恨时,我们终于原谅了他。
- He expressed surprise that no one had offered to help. 谁都不肯帮忙,他感到诧异。
- At the airport, he expressed optimism about the talks. 在机场上,他对谈判表示了乐观。
- He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his firm. 他表示希望我们与他的公司保持联系。
- He expresses sympathy for the working people. 他表现了对劳动人民的同情。
- He expressed earnest love to his motherland. 他抒发了对祖国的挚爱之情。
- He expresses himself in good clear English. 他用正确而清晰的英语表达自己的意思。
- He expressed keen disappointment that the hearing had been postponed. 他对听证会延期表示大为沮丧。
- He expressed his sorrow for what he had done. 他对自己所做的事情表示懊悔。
- What he expressed seemed idle fears. 他的观点有些杞人忧天。
- He expressed his thanks again and again. 他一再表示感谢。
- He expressed deep love of his country. 他抒发了强烈的爱国热情。
- He expressed himself with great felicity. 他表达自己的意思恰到好处.
- He expressed his confidence that they would win. 他表示了自己的信心:他们必定取胜。