- He escaped without a scratch, ie completely unhurt. 他安全逃脱了.
- He escaped without a scratch(= was not hurt at all). 他毫发未损地逃了出去。
- He escaped without a scratch. 他安然无恙地逃脱了。
- He managed to come through without a scratch. 他设法脱险,丝毫没有受伤。
- He was released without a scratch. 他是在没伤一个手指的情况下被释放的。
- He managed to come through the big fire without a scratch. 他设法从大火中脱险,丝毫没有受伤。
- He got out of the crash without a scratch; he must bear a charmed life. 他从汽车的碰撞中安然无恙地逃脱,他一定有神灵保佑。
- Daniel was thrown into a lions den, and he came out without a scratch. 但以理被丢进狮子坑,出来时毫无损伤。
- It's a wonder that the child came through without a scratch. 这孩子竟能安然无恙地脱险,真是奇迹。
- He escaped by passing himself off as a guard. 他冒充警卫逃走了。
- That guy must lead a charmed life. He's come out of three bad automobile accidents without a scratch. 那家伙命真大。他遇到三次严重的车祸,连一点皮都没擦破。
- The two cars collided heavily but fortunately we got off without a scratch. 两部汽车猛然相撞,可是幸运得很,我们竟安然无恙。
- Small debts are like small shot; they are rattling on every side, and can scarcely be escaped without a wound. 小额债务就像小子弹扫射,从四面八方擦身而过,人们很难毫发无损地逃离险境。
- He escaped more lightly than he has expected. 他比他所预料的更轻易地逃脱了。
- escape without a scratch 安然逃脱
- He escaped from death by a hair's breadth. 他死里逃生。
- He escaped through a secret door. 他是从一个暗门逃走的。
- Small debts are like small shot; they are rattling on every side, and can scarcely be escaped without a wound. Great debts are like cannon; of loud noise, but little danger. 小额债务就像小子弹扫射,从四面八方擦身而过,人们很难毫发无损地逃离险境。大额债务就像炮轰,声音很大,但危险很小。
- He escaped from his captors two days later. 两天後他从俘虏他的那些人手中逃脱了。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。