- He enforced high standards. 他坚持高标准。
- He enforced his argument by adding details. 他通过增加细节来强调他的论点。
- We should establish high standards of cleanliness. 我们应该建立高标准的卫生标准。
- He should set himself high standards. 他(教练员)应该以高标准来要求自己。
- He enforced obedience upon his wife. 他强迫他的妻子服从。
- The teacher sets high standard for his pupils. 这位老师给他的学生们定下高标准。
- He enforced obedience upon his wife . 他强迫他的妻子服从。
- A high standard of play marked the match between the two teams. 这两个队的比赛表现了很高的技术水平。
- He enforced obedience on his men. 他强迫部下服从。
- The high standards he had worked to build were eroding. 他一直致力于建立的高标准在日益下降。
- He enforced his statementby producing facts and figures. 他提出事实和数字来加强他的陈述。
- His performance didn't really come up to his usual high standard. 他没有真正表现出平日的高水平来。
- He enforced his statement by producing facts and figures. 他提出事实和数字来加强他的陈述。
- He instills a high standard of quality and professionalism. 他向世人们灌输着一种品质和专业的高标准。
- They put out some motors of high standards. 他们生产了几台高级发动机。
- Her parents expected high standards from her. 她的父母对她的期望很高。
- They set high standards of customer service. 他们制定了严格的客户服务标准。
- We aim to maintain high standards of customer care. 我们的宗旨是始终以高标准为顾客服务。
- He enforces an argument by analogies. 他用种种比方来加强论点。
- Her behaviour when under the influence of alcohol hardly goes with her high standards when sober. 她酒醉时的行为与她清醒时的高雅品德几乎完全不相称。