- But anyhow, he drew nearer and nearer to his friend. 不管怎么样。总是离朋友越来越近。
- He drew near because it was waxen and fresh. 他也无法懂得这花植根的淤泥和沃土。
- The runner quickenedhis pace as he drew near to the finish line. 赛跑者在接近终点时加快了他的步伐。
- In proportion as he drew near, his pace slackened more and more. 他越往前走,他的脚步也越慢。
- He drew near in sympathy only to one man, the Apostle Paul and he was harsh in government, and in familiarity ironic. 他只跟圣徒保罗一个人有思想共鸣。他做事爱当家作主,毫不容情,说话口没遮拦,总爱带刺。
- The general looked the captain up and down as he ran panting up, slackening his pace as he drew nearer. 他走到团长近侧,放慢了脚步,当他气喘吁吁走到团长面前时,团长从头到脚把他打量一番。
- As he drew near, I saw that the pony was really a small horse, with a black mane and tail, and one white foot and a white star on his forehead. 当那人走近时,我看到那可真是匹地地道道的小马,一身乌黑的鬃毛,一条乌黑的尾巴,有一只雪白的跗节,额上有一块白灿灿的星斑。
- He drew nearer. 他走得更近。
- As he drew near the fire and heard Platon's weak, sickly voice, and saw his piteous mien in the bright firelight, Pierre felt a pang at heart. 皮埃尔走近火堆,听见普拉东微弱、病态的声音,看见他那被火光照亮了的可怜的脸,他的心像被针扎了一样,被刺痛了。
- He drew this conclusion on the analogy of yours. 他根据你的理论类推得出这个结论。
- He drew the curtain aside to see what was going on. 他拉开窗帘看看出了什么事。
- He drew an oblique line on paper. 他在纸上划了一条斜线。
- He drew a straight line on the paper. 他在纸上画了一条直线。
- He drew a world map on a sphere. 他在球上面画了一幅世界地图。
- He drew a picture of wintry scene. 他画了一幅冬天景色的画。
- He drew back from the scorching heat. 他从灼人的热气中退了回来。
- He drew back the curtain; it was day. 他拉起窗帘,是白天了。
- He drew near this lily, which had sucked its waxen beauty and perfume from below a depth of waters which he had never penetrated, and out of ooze and mould which he could not understand. 她像一朵百合花,但他从未探测过这花从多深的水的深处吸取了她那柔和的美丽和芬芳。 他也无法懂得这花植根的淤泥和沃土。
- At the sight of the snake, he drew back in horror. 一瞧见那蛇,他便吓得缩了回来。
- He drew off a pint of beer from the barrel. 他从酒桶里抽出一品脱啤酒。