- He doubled to left field. 他将球击向左外场而跑上了二垒。
- Right-handed batters usually hit to left field. 右撇子击球手把球打到左外野。
- The batter sent the ball to left field. 这一击将球打到了左外野。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- The batter hit a line drive to left field for a single. 击球手击出一支左外野平飞球。
- Thames doubled to left leading off the fifth, advanced on a wild pitch and scored on Granderson's fly to short center, easily beating Damon's weak throw. 第五局马可斯又率先打出二安打,靠著暴投上三垒后,柯帝士的高飞牺牲球,因为大门臂力不足以传回本垒,让他跑回一分。
- John batted in two runs with a double to left in the first game. 在第一局约翰以左边二垒安打让两个队友跑回本垒得分。
- He doubled up when he was struck in the belly. 他的肚子被击中时,他痛得蹲了下来。
- He doubled back by another road and surprised us. 他从另一条路折了回来,吓了我们一跳。
- He had two more bounceouts in the second inning before Jason Kubel lofted a harmless fly ball to left field, ending Wang's 19-pitch, 10-strike effort. 他然后又有两个滚地出局直到Kubel打了一个无害的飞球道左外野,小王共投19球,10球好球。
- He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire. 持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪。
- The Yankees caught a break in the sixth as Melky Cabrera's pop to left fell between three Boston fielders and bounced near the left field line and into the stands. 洋基在第六局划破寂静的前几局,因为小卡的左外野小飞球在三不管地带线内落地并跳出场外。
- He corraled the fly ball in left field. 他在左场接住了那个飞球。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- The buyer's offer is out in left field. 那位买主提出的价格合理。
- He doubled the rubber band about the cards. 他把橡皮筋在卡片上绕了两圈。
- He flied out to left field. 他击出腾空球至左外场被守方球员接住而出局。
- He doubled up with the pain of the blow . 他因受击而疼得弯下了身。
- I observed that he doubled his right fist. 我看见他攥着右拳。
- He doubled up his fists in anger. 他愤怒地握紧拳头。