- He dote on his children. 他溺爱他的女儿。
- He dotes on his grandchildren and indulges their every whim. 他溺爱自己的孙辈,并且满足他们的任何想法。
- He dotes on his little son and daughter. 这对娇儿痴女是他的掌上明珠。
- He dotes on his youngest daughter too much. 他太宠小女儿了。
- He dotes on his children. 他溺爱他的孩子。
- Had a king, queen has had a daughter to him, he doted on his daughter. 有个国王,王后给他生了个女儿,他非常疼爱自己的女儿。
- He put his children to work on his farm during the summer vacation. 他让他的孩子在暑假里去自家的农场劳动。
- He kept a firm grip on his children. 他对小孩管得很严。
- He is very hard on his children. 他对孩子非常严格。
- He keeps a firm grip on his children. 他对孩子们管得很严。
- He dotes on this nine-oid-age child very much. 他十分溺爱这个九岁的孩子。
- He settled his property on his children. 他将财产遗留给他的孩子。
- He enjoined obedience on his children. 他交待他的孩子服从。
- He lavished money on his children without stint. 他在孩子们身上花钱毫不吝惜。
- He swore vengeance on his child's killer. 他发誓要找杀害他儿子的凶手报仇。
- After his death, his children will certainly carry on his career. 百年之后,他的孩子一定会继承他的事业。
- He doted on this nine-year-old kid. 他十分溺爱这个九岁的孩子。
- As a great flood carries away a sleeping village, so death seizes and carries away the man with a clinging mind, doting on his children and cattle. 宠爱孩子与家畜者,其心执著于欲乐。他被死神捉走,如洪水冲掉沉睡中之村。
- She seems very plain but he dotes on her, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 她看上去相貌平平,但他非常爱她,情人眼中出西施。
- He dotes on his grandson. 他溺爱他的孙子。