- He designed the perfect crime. 他计划了那个天衣无缝的罪案。
- He designed the interior of the theater at Bayreuth in 1748. 1748年他设计了拜罗伊特剧院的内部装修。
- Stairwells are horrible places to be alon! e and the perfect crime spot). (楼梯间是一个可怕的地方,容易让人形单影只,变成最好的犯罪场所。
- He designed the AD-1 Skyraider under a 24-hour deadline. 他曾在二十四小时的限期内设计出AD-1型“空中袭击者”。
- He designated the place where we were to meet . 他指定了我们将要会面的地点。
- ALWAYS take the & nbsp;elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are hor r i ble places to be alone and the perfect crime spot). 永远搭电梯,不要走楼梯。(楼梯间是一个可怕的地方,容易让人形单影只,变成最好的犯罪场所。
- He designated the place where we were to meet. 他指定了我们将要会面的地点。
- Petersburg, dreamed of committing the perfect crime: With an ax he murdered an old widowed pawnbroker and her stepsister, and stole some jewelry from their flat. 他精心策划一起犯罪行为,用一把斧头砍死了一个经营典当生意的老寡妇及其隔山妹妹,并从她们的寓所里偷走了一些珠宝。
- Master Xuan Zang was so pleased that he designed the pagoda and moved stones and bricks to the construction site. 玄奘十分高兴,他不但亲自设计图样,还参加搬运砖石的建塔劳动。
- Finally, he designed the candy into a shepherd's staff, because Jesus is the shepherd who cares for all our needs. 最后,他设计了糖果的形状为一个牧羊人的柺杖,因为耶稣是一个关心我们所有需要的牧羊人。
- Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished student in St. Petersburg, dreamed of committing the perfect crime: With an ax he murdered an old widowed pawnbroker and her stepsister, and stole some jewelry from their flat. 罗季昂·拉斯柯尔尼科夫是圣·彼得堡的一个穷大学生。他精心策划一起犯罪行为,用一把斧头砍死了一个经营典当生意的老寡妇及其隔山妹妹,并从她们的寓所里偷走了一些珠宝。
- Based on exacting evaluations of the spin pack body, our specialists can design the perfect seal for each application. 通过对网片精确评估,我们的专家可针对各种应用设计出完美的密封垫。
- We have professional custom service delegates, to design the perfect media services and marketing programmes for our customs. 完全本土化的资深客户代表,为客户提供量身订做的媒体专业服务和市场营销理念!
- He designed a new plan for the project. 他为该工程设计了一套新的施工方案。
- Personalised. Your course gives you exactly what you need. Sit down with the Academic Director and design the perfect course for YOU. 个性化课程:我们的教务主任将坐下来与你面对面了解你的需求,为你量身定制适合你的课程。
- She has the perfect credentials for the job. 她做这工作完全够格。
- He designed us a beautiful house. 他为我们设计了一所很美的房子。
- An innovative website using Wikipedia-like collaborative software has given people around the world to design the perfect candidate for the US presidency. 日前,一个颇有创新精神的“维基”网站为世界各地的人们提供了一个设计心目中完美美国总统候选人的机会。
- He designed to enter for the competition. 他打算报名参加竞赛。
- Lit on the perfect solution to the problem. 偶然发现了解决这个问题的好办法