- He denied knowing anything about it. 他否认知道此事.
- He denied knowing anything about their plans. 他否认知悉他们的计划。
- He denied knowing anything. 他不承认知道任何情况。
- He denied that he had done anything wicked. 他否认做过任何邪恶的勾当。
- He denied doing anything illegal. 他否认做过任何违法的事。
- He denied figuring in the robbery. 他否认参加过抢劫。
- He denied any role in the robbery. 他否认曾参与这起抢劫案。
- He denied having seen these watches before. 他否认曾经见过这些手表。
- He denied that he had leaked the news to the press. 他否认曾将这则消息泄漏给新闻界。
- Know anything about the third wave? 知道“第三次浪潮”吗?
- But he denied it, saying, I do not know Him, woman. 彼得却不承认,说,女子,我不认得他。
- He denied himself to all visitors. 他谢绝所有来访客人。
- He didn't know anything about her plight. 他对她的困境一无所知。
- He gave to his friends what he denied to his family. 他宁可赠予朋友也不给家里人。
- Does he know anything about the rebellion? 他知道关于谋反的是吗?
- He can drive a car but he doesn't know anything about the nuts and bolts of the engine. 他会开汽车,但他对汽车发动机的结构一窍不通。
- He denied having any money squirrelled away in foreign banks. 他否认在外国银行里有存款。
- "I don't know anything about the little scamp," she exclaimed. "我不知道有关这个顽皮小家伙的任何事情,"她感叹地叫道。
- To think of his not knowing anything about it! 试想他竟然对那件事一无所知!
- He denied doing any harm to the owner. 他否认坑害过物主。