- He danced attendance on her. 他殷勤地侍候她。
- As a secretary, she sometimes has to dance attendance on her boss. 作为秘书,她有时不得不小心地待候她的老板。
- She expects everyone to dance attendance on her. 她期望所有的人都向她献殷勤。
- He danced attendance on her 他殷勤地侍候她。
- As a secretary,she sometimes has to dance attendance on her boss. 作为秘书,她有时不得不小心地待候她的老板。
- Xiao li is so good at dancing attendance on her boss. 小李在老板面前可会献殷勤了。
- I'd like to get a date with Susan, but how can I? She has half the fellows in school dancing attendance on her. 我倒很想跟苏珊约会,但是办不到!学校里的男生有一半都在向她大献殷勤。
- He danced attendance on Bob. 他奉承鲍勃。
- Sandra is good at dancing attendance on her superiors and marvelous at cultivating notables in her field. 桑德拉很会奉承她的上司并非常善于结交她的学术领域的知名人士,和他们套近乎。
- The young man danced attendance on his rich aunt. 这个年轻人小心侍候他有钱的姑妈。
- The Chairman expects the entire staff to dance attendance on him when he designs to visit our office. 当董事长大驾光临我们办公室时,他期望全体职员向他献媚。
- The young man danced attendance on his rich aunt , but got nothing from her when she died . 这个年轻人小心侍候他有钱的姑妈,但是当他姑妈死时,他一无所获。
- The young man danced attendance on his rich aunt , but got nothing from her when she died. 这个年轻人小心侍候他有钱的姑妈,但是当他姑妈死时,他一无所获。
- He spent all his time dancing attendance on his grandchildren. 他把所有时间都花在了照看孙子上。
- A swarm of would-be suitors danced attendance on the bestlooking girls. 一大群求婚者向漂亮的姑娘们献殷勤。
- She had three servants attending on her. 她有三个仆人在侍候她。
- A swarm of would-be suitors danced attendance on the best-looking girls. 一大群求婚者向漂亮的姑娘们献殷勤。
- Jane has been attending on her sick mother for year. 珍多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。
- She loves to have servants dance attendance (up) on her. 她喜欢仆人前呼後拥地侍候她.
- I can't dance attendance on your affectations now. 现在我不能再给你的装腔作势凑趣了。