- He could easily be hooked. 他容易上钩。
- With his dark skin he could easily be passed for Italian. 他肤色黝黑,很容易被人当作意大利人。
- Although this VI uses subVIs to simulate a function generator and a digital multimeter, real instruments could easily be hooked up to a real black box to provide real-world data. 本例中用函数虚拟的函数发生器和万用表,但实际测量中可简单的将测试仪器接在实际测试的黑盒上测出真实的数据。
- This disease could easily be rooted out. 这种病很容易根治。
- That could easily be the answer we're looking for. 那可能就是我们正在寻找的办法。
- So hard did he study that he could easily pass the examination. 他那么努力,因而能够轻易地通过那次考试。
- Note: a lit fireplace could easily be substituted. 注意:能以点燃的壁炉代替火炉罐。
- He speaks the language so well he could easily pass for a German. 他德语讲得好极了,很容易被当成德国人。
- This could easily be applied to our own devotional life. 这很容易成为我们灵修生活的提醒。
- He places the TV Guide under the TV set so that he could easily find it. 他将电视报放在电视机下面以便能容易地找到。
- Is it just so fragile, and violent killings could easily be destroyed? 难道正义这样脆弱,暴戾与杀戮就能轻易将之毁灭?
- He wouldn't mind delaying a day or two; for he knew he could easily fetch it up. 耽误一,两天他并不在乎,因为他知道他能很容易地赶上去。
- They were not such questions as could easily be disposed of. 这些问题可不是那麼容易就能处理好的。
- If he wanted to, he could easily rise to a field officer's rank by the end of the war. 只要他有意于此,到战争结束要混一个校级军官那是十拿九稳的。
- The people authorized to open manhole covers could easily be trained to do it safely. 专业人员经过简单的培训就可以做到安全的打开井盖。
- L: Gotcha. I know such an important account could easily be lost through an embarrassing mistake. 我懂您意思,我知道这么一位大客户,可能会因为一个不当的错误而失去。
- One could easily be disturbed by the sharp contrast between these two ways of life. 这两种生活方式的鲜明对比,极易使人心绪不宁。
- Figure 21-19: The ToolTip idiom is so effective that it could easily be extended to other uses. 图21-19 工具提示习惯用法如此有效,以致它可以轻易地扩展到其他用途。
- The rich texture and harmonic structure could easily be confused with some of the string chamber music of Schoenberg. 丰富的织体与和声让人想起勋伯格的室内乐。
- He was hooked to buy 10 boxes of drink. 他受引诱买下了十箱饮料。