- He chose wisely . 他做出了明智的选择。
- He chose a book at a venture from the shelves. 他从书架上随便挑了一本书。
- He chose George as his assistant. 他选择乔治做他的助手。
- He chose not to go home until later. 他决定晚一点才回家。
- He could be extremely nice and friendly when he chose. 他愿意的时候可以非常和蔼友好。
- He chose genetic engineering to be his lifelong career. 他选择了遗传工程学作为终生的事业。
- He chose Germany, but personally I'd prefer to go to Spain. 他选择了德国,而我个人倒更喜欢西班牙。
- He chose a nice material with a floral pattern for the curtains. 他选了块很好的带有花卉图案的料子做窗帘。
- He chose to make teaching his career. 他打算以教书为业。
- Will you choose wisely at the forks in her road? 为她明辨岔路?
- He chose to make the U.S. the key battleground. 他选择了把美国作为主攻市场。
- Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. 生活千变万化,成长没有定法。选择要睿智。
- He chose to say nothing about this to anyone. 他不愿意把这事对任何人讲。
- After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist. 他受过正统的教育,却立意过著艺术家我行我素的生活。
- He chose not to go abroad until later. 他决定晚点出国。
- He chose three from those books. 他从那些书中选取了三本。
- Good my boy, good. Athena has chosen wisely, I knew it was so. 干得不错小伙子,很好。雅典娜选得没错,我就知道会是你。
- He chose his words with precision. 他用词确切。
- He was free to marry whomever he chose. 他看上了谁就可以和谁结婚。
- Grave Digger: Good my boy, good. Athena has chosen wisely, I knew it was so. 掘墓人:“干得不错小伙子,很好。雅典娜选得没错,我就知道会是你。”