- He checked himself suddenly. 他突然住口不说了。
- He was on the point of saying something when he checked himself. 他话到嘴边,却又吞咽下去了。
- He checked himself: a good chief dietitian was a pearl to be prized. 他自我检讨着:一个好的营养主任是一颗值得夸赞的珍珠。
- It had been on the tip of his tongue to say 'Except the proles,' but he checked himself, not feeling fully certain that this remark was not in some way unorthodox. 到了舌头尖的话是"除去无产者",可他止住了自己,因为没有把握,这话是不是有点不正统。
- He tries to check himself before the guests. 在客人面前,他尽量克制自己。
- He was about to say something more ,and then checked himself . 他刚要再说点什么,可是管住了自己。
- He checked the contents of the box against the bill. 他对照货单检查了箱子里装的东西。
- He ran a few steps, checked himself, and dropped into a walk. 他跑了几步,便止住自己,放慢步子走着。
- He was about to say something more, but then checked himself. 他正要再说点什么,却又打住了。
- He was about to say something more , and then checked himself . 他刚要再说点什么,可是管住了自己。
- For a time he checked the loss of Ulster. 他暂时止住了厄尔斯特的丢失。
- He checked out two books from the school library. 他从学校图书馆里登记借了两本书。
- He checked his compass and set off. 他看了一下罗盘就出发了。
- He checked the impulse to shout. 他抑制想喊叫的冲动。
- He checked the expenditures on the books. 他查对账目上的支出情况。
- Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille. 任何做错事的事情都会发现自己进了巴士底狱。
- He checked into the hotel under an alias. 他用化名登记住进旅馆。
- A. Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille. 任何做错事的事情都会发现自己进了巴士底狱。
- He checked his unreasonable mirth. 他止住了自己这种不合时宜的玩笑。
- He checked his watch against the clock. 他按那只钟对了表。