- He can play the piano after a fashion. 他能弹点钢琴。
- He can play the flute. 他会吹长笛。
- Mocky is very happy because he can play the drums. 马其非常高兴,因为他能敲鼓了。
- He can play the harp and violin. 他能演奏竖琴和提琴。
- He can play the violin. I had no idea he was so talented. 他会拉小提琴,我怎么不知道他这么多才多艺。
- He shouted rudely, @Get back and play the flute. 他却粗鲁地大吼:“回去吹你的笛子!
- Stuart can play the piano quite well when he puts his mind to it. 斯图尔特志心致志时,定能把钢琴弹好。
- He can play the violin nearly well enough to earn money in the orchestra of a penny gaff, but not quite. 他的小提琴拉得差不多可以在一个三流戏院的乐队里挣钱,不过还不够好。
- He never starts surgery until he can play the game three times in a row without messing up. 直到他玩游戏能连续三次过关;他才开始手术.
- By that time I might be a Nanna myself.I don't know who the Poppy will be, but I hope he can play the harmonica. 故事的结尾,很平淡,平淡中有回味,小姑娘说:“When I get my own house someday; I'm going to have a special Hello;Goodbye Window too.
- I can play the flute too. 我也会吹笛子。
- She can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 她能不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆弹奏最难的钢琴曲。
- I can play the flute too! 她演奏了笛子。
- He plays the flute like a professional. 他吹长笛已达到专业人员的水平。
- I can play the piano after a fashion. 我多少会弹点钢琴。
- He amused himself by playing the flute. 他吹笛自娱。
- I can play the flute. 我可以吹长笛。
- When I was young, I used to play the flute. 当我年轻的时候我吹长笛。
- No matter who he may be, he can play his part in the modernization of our country. 不管他是谁,他都可以在我国现代化中发挥作用。
- I learned how to play the flute as a young child. 其他两名音乐家将用小提琴和长笛为她伴奏。