- He can hardly afford an apartment. 他买不起一套住房。
- He can afford an apartment. 他能买得起一套住房。
- Lu, for example, said he cannot afford to buy an apartment. 陆先生说自己现在还买不起房子。
- Sam: Not everyone can afford an accountant. 山姆:又不是每个人都请得起会计师。
- I have to do a moonlighting job, so that I can afford to rent an apartment near to my company. 我不得不做一份兼职的工作,这样我才能租得起靠近公司的一间公寓。
- He can afford anything - he's simply. 他很有钱,什么都买得起。
- A small number of families are able to afford an apartment. 少数家庭能够买得起一套住房
- They are doubtful whether he can afford it. 他们怀疑他是否能负担得起。
- If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debts. 他若能买得起豪华的快艇,就更能匀出钱来还债了。
- The user inputs all his financial information and is given an amount he can afford. 用户输入所有的财务信息并得到一个用户可以负担的金额数量。
- There's some doubt in my mind if he can afford to buy it. 我对他是否有能力购买心存疑虑。
- In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children. 在这些国家里,只有上层人士才供得起子女上学。
- There's some doubts in my mind if he can afford to buy it. 我对他是否有能力购买心存疑虑。
- Surelly he can afford a new car considering his income. 按他的收入,他是买得起一辆新车的。
- Everyone should contribute what he can afford to it. 人人都应该尽自己的能力做贡献。
- This kind of car costs a lot of money, but he can afford it. 这种小汽车要很多钱,可他买得起。
- A chair like that chair, if he can afford it, is a great comfort. 如果能花得起钱买上这么一张安乐椅,实在是一大快事。
- He hopes to have his own horse one day when he can afford it. 他希望有一天,当他能负担的起时,能拥有一匹属于自己的马。
- He shares an apartment with his brother. 他和弟弟同住一间公寓。
- He can afford to stop working now that both his sons are in harness. 他的两个儿子都工作了,他自己不工作也能过下去。