- He came down with appendicitis. 他得了阑尾炎。
- He came down with$300 for the charity organization. 他捐了三百美元给慈善机构。
- He came down with both feet against the proposal. 他坚决反对这个提议。
- He came down with the flu, so he didn't go to work. 他感冒了,所以没去上班。
- He came down with pneumonia last week. 上星期, 他得肺炎病倒了。
- He came down with $300 for the charity organization. 他捐了三百美元给慈善机构。
- He came down with illness last night and is still under emergency treatment. 他是昨天夜里发的病,现在还在抢救。
- He came down with the illness about midnight and is still under emergency treatment. 他是昨天半夜发的病,现在还在抢救。
- He came down with a forcible bump on what appeared to be some fresh-turned earth. 猛地撞了一下,他落到好像是刚刚翻过的土地上。
- When his money ran out, he came down to earth (with a bump). 他把钱用光时,才(赫然)如梦初醒。
- He came down with bad cold. 他得了重感冒。
- The girl has come down with influenza. 这女孩得了流行性感冒。
- He came down upon us for payment. 他逼著我们付钱。
- The boy has come down with influenza. 男孩染上了流行性感冒。
- He came down the hill carrying a bucket of water. 他提著一桶水下山来了。
- I came down with flu and was unable to go to work. 我得了流感,不能去上班。
- The girl has come down with pneumonia. 女孩已患肺炎。
- After his mother died he came down off his high horse. 自他母亲死后,他就不再趾高气扬了。
- How much did she come down with? 她出了多少钱?
- He and Catherine planned to spend the leave together, but he came down with jaundice before he could leave the hospital. 他和凯瑟琳计划在一起度假,可是在他离开医院之前,他又得了黄疸病,躺倒了。