- He attacked polack 他对波兰克反唇相讥。
- He attacked the problems with zest and flair. 他用热心和能力来攻克这些课题。
- He attacked those who sowed dismay and division. 他攻击那些散布悲观情绪和煽动分裂的人。
- The madman was confined in case he attacked anyone. 这个疯子被关了起来以免伤人。
- Fiercely he attacked me as I fled from the camp. 当我从营中逃出的时候,他狠命地打我。
- When he attacked me, naturally I struck back. 他攻击我时我自然要进行还击。
- He attacked the difficulties at once. 他立即着手解决这些困难。
- He attacked the problem realistically. 他从实际出发解决问题。
- He attacked women to satisfy his lust. 他袭击妇女来满足他的淫欲。
- Greer: He attacked my partner. He tried to kill me. 格里尔:“他袭击我搭档,他想杀了我。”
- He attacked the press for misleading the public. 他抨击新闻界误导公众。
- How dare he attack beliefs and ideas which had been held for centuries? 他竟敢攻击多少世纪来人们所持有的信仰和观念。
- The madman was confined in case he attacked anyone . 这个疯子被关了起来以免伤人。
- He attacked the food as if he had not eaten for a week . 他吃起食物来就像已经一星期没吃东西似的。
- The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop. 花园里沿边的或走道两边的花坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。
- He attacked the food as if he had not eaten for a week. 他吃起食物来就像已经一星期没吃东西似的。
- He attacked this wall, cemented by the hand of Time. 他进攻这道被时间之手封闭了的墙。
- The lion let out a loud roar before he attacked the hunter. (那只狮子在攻击那个猎人之前大吼了一声。)
- He attacked the indulgence shown to religious dissenters. 他抨击对宗教上持不同政见者表现出的宽容。
- And he hadn't hesitated to strike her father when he attacked her. 当她的父亲攻击她的时候,他毫不犹豫地打她的父亲。