- He assumed a new name. 他用了个新名字。
- So he assumed a new customers to negotiate business, and have achieved success come true. 于是,他承担了一个与新客户洽谈的业务,并取得了圆梦成功。
- The problem has assumed a new form. 这个问题又以新的形式出现。
- He assumed a setsmile of amicability. 他脸上堆着一副亲切的笑容。
- He assumed a leading position last May. 去年五月,他担任领导职务。
- He assumed a set smile of amicability. 他脸上堆着一副亲切的笑容。
- He assumed a defiant attitude toward his employer. 他对顾主采取挑战的态度。
- He assumed a human attitude to his friends. 他对他的朋友假装仁慈。
- Things have assumed a new aspect. 事态已呈现一个新的局面。
- Press F2, and then type a new name for the style. 按F2,再键入样式的新名称。
- A New Name of the Genus Magnolia L. 木兰属一新命名。
- Type a new name in the Name box. 在“名称”框中键入新名称。
- Type a new name in the Replace box. 在“替换”框中键入新名称。
- He assumed a well-informed manner but in fact he knows very little. 他装出一副见多识广的样子,而实际上他知之甚少。
- A new name before their wedding day. 结婚前一天要起一个新的名字。
- He assumed a posture and began to sing a part in a Beijing opera. 他拉开架子, 唱起了京剧。
- The two firms consolidated under a new name. 这两个公司以新的名称合并起来
- He assumed a heart pacemaker was made by medical people. 他以为心脏起搏器是医务人员制作的。
- In fact, the Kopp-Etchells effect is a new name. 实际上这是一个新名字。
- Sorry, that wallet already exists. Try a new name? 抱歉,已经存在该名称的钱包。再试一次吗?