- He arose coldly and distantly 他冷冷地、淡漠地站起身来。
- By his cold and distant manners he holds off all who are not intimate with him. 他那冷淡的态度,使所有不熟悉他的人不敢接近他。
- Her manner was cold and distant. 她的态度冷漠而疏远。
- Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone. 从电话里听起来帕特非常冷淡和疏远。
- He arose and made a brief speech. 他站起身来作了一个简短的演讲。
- He was a cold man, aloof and distant. 他是个冷漠严肃的人,令人难以接近。
- He was usually cold and distant with men, but with all women he had a silent, grave familiarity. 他对于男人一般都是冷淡、疏远的,但对于所有的女人,他有一种沉默而庄重的亲切态度。
- But recently he has been cold and distant and keeps referring sarcastically to his “famous lack of organisation”. 但最近他变得冷淡而疏远,并且一再讽刺地提起自己“出了名的缺乏条理”。
- And he arose, and came to his father. 于是起来往他父亲那里去。
- Jupiter and Saturn, spheres so cold and distant that the sun is no more than a tiny beacon in a vast twilight. 从寒冷而遥远的木星和土星上看,浩瀚的晨光中,太阳看上去就像一盏微弱的灯光。
- And he arose, and departed to his house. 7那人就起来,回家去了。
- He was pinched with cold and hunger. 他饥寒交迫。
- So he arose and went to Zarephath. 10以利亚就起身往撒勒法去。
- I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman. 我是家庭暴力的受害者。我发现那些社会组织突然变得冷漠,当他们得知那个虐待我的伴侣同样是个女人。
- So he arose from the ground and sat on the bed. 但他的仆人、和妇人、再三劝他、他才听了他们的话、从地上起来、坐在床上。
- V ending the traditional and fresh raw material as milkfish from the virtual, cold and distant internet, should be the first innovation of channel. 在虚拟、冰冷的网际网路中卖传统、生鲜且要经烹调的虱目鱼食材是属通路上的巅覆创新!
- He arose and walked to the window. 他站起来走向窗户。
- He arose and found a cake and a cruse of water. 他起来,发现了一块饼和一壶水。
- In those cold and distant regions, the dust particles were not affected by the heat and radiation from the Sun, and remained largely unchanged to this day. 在那一寒冷遥远的区域,尘埃颗粒未受到来自太阳的热和辐射的影响,保留了大量未曾变化的物质直到今天。
- He had a cold and was very congested. 他患了感冒,鼻子不通。