- He always carried an umbrella. 他总是带着一把雨伞。
- Peter always carried an umbrella. 彼得太太过去老是带着一把伞。
- He always carries an umbrella. 他总是带着一把伞。
- She always carries an umbrella in her briefcase. 她总是在公事包里带着一把伞.
- Do you always carry an umbrella? 你总带着伞吗?
- Peter always carries an umbrella. 彼得太太老是带着伞。
- Do you always carry an umbrella ? 你总带着伞吗?
- Always carry an umbrella with you during rainy days. 下雨天一定要带伞。
- I always carry an umbrella when I visit London. When in Rome do as the Romans do. 我去伦敦总要带一把雨伞,入乡随俗嘛。
- He is carried an umbrella because it be rainy. 他带着雨伞因为下雨了。
- He always carries a pocket dictionary with him. 他总是随身携带一本袖珍字典。
- He is carrying an umbrella because it is rainy. 他带着雨伞因为下雨了。
- I carried an umbrella because the rain impended. 我带了把伞, 因为就要下雨了。
- He carries an umbrella because it is rainy. 他带着雨伞因为下雨了
- The clown carried an umbrella to balance himself. 小丑拿一把伞以保持平衡。
- I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried. 我能听到零钱相碰而发出的熟悉的丁当声,他总是把这些零钱带在身上。
- In lieu of carrying an umbrella, I wore a waterproof coat and cap. 我穿一件雨衣,戴一顶雨帽,就不用带雨伞了。
- He fished out from his pocket the little tool kit he always carried. 他从衣袋里拿出他一直随身携带的小工具包。
- He always carries a small notebook in his pocket. 他口袋里老带着一本小笔记本。
- On cold winter days, he always carried a thermos full of hot chocolate. 在寒冷的日子,他通常都会带着一个满载热巧克力的保温瓶。